• Zaytoun extra virgin olive oil
  • Img 4198 (medium)
  • Img 8689 (medium)
  • Img 9081 (medium)
  • Img 8681 (medium)
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil


    PLEASE NOTE the photograph of the can is inaccurate at the moment because for the reason stated below, the olive oil is not certified as organic and Fairtrade.

    Produced from rain-fed and hand-picked olives that have been pressed on the day of picking, this award-winning extra virgin oil connects you with farmers whose ancestors have tended their trees by hand for countless generations.

    I am advised by Zaytoun:

    “The 2023 olive season coincided with the one of the worst assaults on Palestinians both in Gaza and the West Bank.  This has resulted in both a disrupted harvest and a surge in demand for Palestinian products. As a result the producers are experiencing a shortage in organic and Fairtrade certified olive oil and are unable to meet the overwhelming demand. We would encourage you to continue to support the producing communities by purchasing the extra virgin olive oil (which though not certified, is predominantly organically grown, rain-fed, and fairly traded).

    We look forward to sharing with you  news of a more peaceful and abundant 2024 olive season later this year”

    So the following cannot be said at the moment: Naturally organic and ethically sourced from small-scale farmers in the West Bank, this is the world’s first olive oil to be awarded Fairtrade certification in 2009.

    From stone terraces nestled on sun-drenched West Bank hills comes produce grown with wisdom, by people who know their trees both as old friends and as a lifeline for their children.

    Recipe Hints:
    The so-called Mediterranean diet uses a lot of olive oil so I use this in liberal quantities for gently frying or cold.
    And here’s an usual recipe for olive oil: Zaytoun Chocolate and Olive Oil Cookies